Thursday, January 24, 2013

narrative text

The Crabs

Once upon a time, lived a family of crab in the shores of blue sea. They have more friends in the sea. The family consist of a moyher, father, and a son. They always kindly with other crabs. They ate mussels, clams, and other small sea creatures.
One day the mother crab saw a beautiful crane walking in the sand, a straight graceful walk in its long reed-like legs. “how graceful that crane looks?” she thought to herself. Then she caught signt of her son waddling towards her and felt very irritated. “And how clomsy my son. He is like a moving sack”.
“why do you walk like that ?” she snapped when he came nearer. “instead of this awkward one-sided gait, use your 10 legs to walk straight. And gracefully,” she added.
“How do i walk straight mother ?” asked the confused little crab.
“I have only known to walk like this.” But, his mother insisted he could walk straight, and it would not be too difficult if he tried. So, the little crab tried, and failed. “why don’t you show me how to walk straight, mother ?” he told her. “if you show me the straight way, i am sure i will catch on.
So, the mother tried to show her son how to do the straight walk, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not. Her legs did not seem to be suited to walking straight. “i give up”, she said. Panting after several unsuccesful attempts. “forget it child, i don’t think nature intended for us to duplicate the crane’s walk”.

narrative text

The Crabs

Once upon a time, lived a family of crab in the shores of blue sea. They have more friends in the sea. The family consist of a moyher, father, and a son. They always kindly with other crabs. They ate mussels, clams, and other small sea creatures.
One day the mother crab saw a beautiful crane walking in the sand, a straight graceful walk in its long reed-like legs. “how graceful that crane looks?” she thought to herself. Then she caught signt of her son waddling towards her and felt very irritated. “And how clomsy my son. He is like a moving sack”.
“why do you walk like that ?” she snapped when he came nearer. “instead of this awkward one-sided gait, use your 10 legs to walk straight. And gracefully,” she added.
“How do i walk straight mother ?” asked the confused little crab.
“I have only known to walk like this.” But, his mother insisted he could walk straight, and it would not be too difficult if he tried. So, the little crab tried, and failed. “why don’t you show me how to walk straight, mother ?” he told her. “if you show me the straight way, i am sure i will catch on.
So, the mother tried to show her son how to do the straight walk, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not. Her legs did not seem to be suited to walking straight. “i give up”, she said. Panting after several unsuccesful attempts. “forget it child, i don’t think nature intended for us to duplicate the crane’s walk”.

cause and effect


Music is one medium of art expression. Music reflects the cultural community supporters. Now, a lot of genre of music in indonesia. Such as jazz, pop, rock, etc. There are a various music that came in Indonesia, such as popular music (k-pop). Korea is a developing country. Korea does not lose competitiveness with other developing countries. As well as music in Korea. Korean music is not only attractive to korean society itself, but from various countries including Indonesia. Korea is famous with boyband and girlband. Consequently, many boyband and girlband in Indonesia which follow korean boybands and girlbands.
Korean give effect for music in Indonesia. Just not music, but the clothing, culture, food even the korean way of life. It also attached to the people in Indonesia. Almost all of them are suffering from korean wave. Their daily conversations are not far from korea. They discuss about the movie, they say korean artists are white, handsome, beautiful. It includes the newest songs from korean boyband and girlband. Korean culture in not only in Indonesia, but in almost all countries in Asia. It which makes many boyband and girlband in Indonesia.
Indonesian people (adolescent) have the korean wave. Korean formative influences in an adolescent in Indonesia. Now, many emerging boyband and girlband in Indonesia. One of boyband from Indonesia “smash” initialy not so famous, with hearing music k-pop make smash be able to attract the attention of music lovers in Indonesia. Traditional music is now rarely heard, rarely even appeared in television. Just not traditional music, local music was already extinct. Such as Indonesian typical music known as “Dangdut is my of my country”. The effect from korea is many emerging boyband and girlband in Indonesia which make traditional music extinct.
Shortly, music is one medium of art expression, if we know how manner apply it. Korean music is one of music which many people in the world like. Boyband and girlband are one of effect from the korean culture which comes to Indonesia. We are allowed to the other music from other country, but we shouldn’t forget about the Indonesian music.